Sunday, March 8, 2009

ok about change

with everyday comes the opportunity for change, and i for one am terrified of it... its like you have been going through it for your whole life get used to it already... but i never seem to reach that point, i guess its the fear of the unknown. scary thing!
but... i slowly started to see that change is not always bad, i heard of an example of a tree and this really reached home with me because i have never heard anything that made more sense.
A tree is rooted in one place but the branches reach out to the sky... there are so many opportunities and changes in life but what matters the most will always remain the same. This is so true, and when i heard it i thought it was a good idea to share and... i just wanted to write it down... maybe as a reminder each time i am not looking forward to a change.

Friday, March 6, 2009

the thing about soccer

i was in my sociology lecture this afternoon, not really paying attention when i heard people start talking about soccer and how it is related to crime. what i heard though was very interesting, so i thought i might just share it.
apparently when people are watching soccer there is a reduced amount of crime. i live in South Africa where crime is sky high, so you can imagine the reaction this statement caused. Take the world cup for example, the one that will be held in 2010.. this statement basically meant that in 2010 while the whole world will be watching soccer the crime level will decrease because soccer is a culture that is shaping us all to be one thing... as we are watching soccer we are all one, therefore no need for crime. interesting right? i can see where this statement is coming from... but from the way i see it, there is different types of crime, and some that i do not see soccer stopping... especially in South Africa for that matter.
there will be people from all over the world, with different ideas about different things.. this in itself is bound to cause conflict. that's one, two is we all support different teams... the people that oppose each other are bound to have conflict.. and the way i see it conflict leads to crime (in some cases).
my argument comes from the situation that is presented in England with all these different types of clubs for different soccer teams, and if you do not support that team you are not allowed into the club or even near it, and if you are there will be serious consequences. i get this idea from the movie Green Street Hooligans. true? i do not see why it could be any different now.. my teacher actually said today that the more people you are exposed to the more situations of conflict you will experience.
so say there is a yes and no to this thing about soccer... but it is something that i find very interesting and want to know if people believe that the culture of soccer can bring people so much closer that it can stop crime.. because if this really is true then this is our cure.. someone needs to alert the officials :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

something i do when i am bored

people usually have their I- do- this- when - I'm- bored thing, it can be eating, sleeping, whatever... for me what I do is talk about nothing... I really do not know where it comes from but I suddenly have a lot to say... about nothing. Thursday is my free day and its a yippee all around, believe me but it does not help when school has not really even started. so what are you free from?? people are usually excited about their free days when they really have something to be free from, right now all I'm free from is nothing.
I have all this free time on my hands and i can not even come up with one thing to do, so here i am sitting at my computer talking about nothing, and i can tell you right now, boredom cured!
its always great when i can just let go and be myself, and to tell the truth sometimes that person is really random. but right now i blame it on the boredom!
another thing i do when im bored is surf the net... i go on to sites i never even knew exsisted.. its strange. but there is something interesting that i came across... a saying "what dies if you kill time"? i stared at it for hours and could not really come up with a logical explanation.. could it be us? could it be just time itself? could it be everything that surrounds us.. because the truth is alot of things feed off time..! with time we age.... time heals all wounds... whether its the best of times or worst of times, time is all we got. we do what we do and what we can according to time.. and another saying that i came across was "you can not kill time without injuring eternity".. so i think there we have it.. lets treasure the time we have... and here i was thinking about all this free time i have on my hands and nothing i can do with it, when it is right there in my face... treasure it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

its our life

people always tend to live their lives in the eyes of someone else, i can not say intentionally but somewhere in our sub conscious we want to be accepted, appreciated and more than anything loved. i know that i can not really say that i have stood up for myself in anything, not something that matters at least.
one group of people that we always want to impress are our parents, and its no guess why... needless to say the things they have been through to get us where we are now... sweat....blood... and tears (as the saying goes).
on the other hand, we need to find a time in our lives where we can now become us... the us that we have envisioned for ourselves. the dreams and goals that we have as people need to be released, and to quote another saying "we all have a purpose in life"... and as much as we would love to live the lives our parents have mapped out for us, some of us can not.
i think it is necessary to experince what life has to give you on your own two feet... how else will you ever get to say i have lived?
i know for one that i need to do this, take my own advice... i have this shell that i am living in that i can not get myself out of, or should i say refuse to get out of... i do not know how else to explain it.
i need to make the opposite of Jim Carrey in YES MAN nd be the NO GIRL.. (atleast sometimes...)